Using private automation hub

Using private automation hub


Using the access information/credentials provided make sure you can log into to your:

  • automation controller
  • private automation hub (PAH)


  • Check automation controller is configured to access your private automation hub
  • Add collections from Red Hat Automation Hub and Ansible Galaxy to PAH
  • Use a collection from PAH in automation controller

Let’s start, as the docs for this are distributed over some places we’ll give some more instructions.

Integrate your PAH in automation controller

In this lab your automation controller was already configured during installation to fetch collections from PAH and Ansible Galaxy. The first task is to disable direct retrieval of collections from Ansible Galaxy so only collections on PAH could be used.

  • Open the default Organization in automation controller and click Edit.
  • Have a look at the Galaxy Credentials field. There are already five credentials pointing to Ansible Galaxy and your private automation hub.
  • Make sure the credentials for your PAH are enabled.
  • Disable the “Ansible Galaxy” credential and click Select.
  • Click Save.

You could add more credentials here, the order of these credentials sets precedence for the sync and lookup of the content.

It’s important to note that the PAH credentials are added automatically during an installation of automation controller and PAH in one installer run. If you install PAH separately, you have to configure the credentials yourself!

Setup demo project

Before we configure content synchronization, we want to add a demo project:

  • Create a new Project pointing here:
  • Have a look at the content on GitHub, esp the collections/requirements.yml file

You will notice this project will fail to sync (Click on the Jobs menu on the left) with an error “ERROR! Failed to resolve the requested dependencies map. Could not satisfy the following requirements: containers.podman”. This is because the requirements.yml file lists a dependency for a collection which is not yet available to your automation controller (because we disabled Galaxy and didn’t sync anything to PAH yet).

To solve this issue, we have to configure your PAH to sync the necessary collections, and to configure your automation controller to use the content from your private automation hub. We did already configure automation controller, but we haven’t synced any content yet.

Add and use content in your private automation hub

Most of this is well documented in the Managing Red Hat Certified and Ansible Galaxy collections in automation hub documentation.

Sync collections from Red Hat Automation Hub to PAH

  • Log into and open Ansible Automation Platform -> Automation Hub -> Collections. Here you can enable/disable the sync of certain collections. You will need a RHN account with “organization administrator” privileges to perform this action.

If you never modified your sync settings in Automation Hub before, all collections will be synchronized. To speed up the sync time, we recommend to disable as many as you can - but not all of them.

If you do not have organization admin privileges, you will not able able to turn on/off the sync button. In this case, reach out to your instructor and an API token and a sync URL for the next task will be provided to you.

  • What you need to do is to get the authentication token and configure it in your PAH:
    • In Red Hat Automation Hub go to Connect to Hub we will need the Offline Token and the Server URL
    • In your private automation hub go to Collections -> Repository management -> Remote
    • Edit the rh-certified remote:
      • URL: paste and override with the Server URL copied from Red Hat Automation Hub. If you leave the URL in PAH as is, you’ll sync all collection, not just the enabled ones.
      • Token: the token you copied from RH AH
      • Click Save and then hit Sync. This will sync all enabled and updated collections from Red Hat Automation Hub to your private automation hub.
  • After the sync process has finished, check the certified collections are visible on PAH.

You can navigate to Task Management in the menu on the left to see your sync progressing.

Sync selected community collections from Ansible Galaxy to PAH

Galaxy is configured as the remote community out of the box. Follow the instructions to configure the synchronization.

  • Create a requirements.yml file pointing to the containers.podman collection:
  # Install a collection from Ansible Galaxy.
  - name: containers.podman
  • Go to Repo Management, click the Remote tab again
  • Edit the community remote
  • In YAML requirements upload the requirements.yml file from your local machine.
  • Click Save
  • In the Remote overview tab click Sync for the community remote

Verify the sync of the collections in Collections -> Collections, switch the repository filter with the dropdown at the top. There should be a lot of content in the Red Hat Certified repo and one collection in the Community repo. The ‘published’ filter will not find anything, since we haven’t uploaded any collections we created ourselves.

You can navigate to Task Management in the menu on the left to see your sync progressing.

Test private automation hub Integration

Now check that automation controller can actually use the content from your PAH. Let’s first sync our project again and the error message should disappear, because now automation controller can download and install the containers.podman collection from your private automation hub.

Before we can test with an actual Playbook, we have to create an inventory in automation controller. To create a dynamic inventory for AWS, we first have to create the necessary credentials.

  • Create your AWS credentials in controller and call them AWS LearnFest.
  • Create an inventory called LearnFest Inventory with
    • ec2 as dynamic inventory source
    • the AWS LearnFest credentials you just created
    • a Host Filter with the expression node to only include your managed nodes

By default the EC2 dynamic inventory plugin will use the FQDN of the instance as a host name. These FQDN’s are very long and not very useful. To make your inventory nice and clean, add the following settings to your inventory source variables:

  - tag:Name
  ansible_host: public_dns_name

After an inventory sync, you should see three nodes (node1 to node3) in the Hosts menu (and localhost from the Demo Inventory).

For a proper end to end test, let’s create a Job Template that uses the containers.podman collection, which is by the way not part of any of the included Execution Environments:

  • Sync the project you created earlier again and check it runs successfully. You should notice from the job output that the task which installs collections from the requirements.yml is now succeeding. You can even see in the JSON output that controller installed the collection from your private automation hub.

  • Create a new Job Template:

    • Name: up to you
    • Inventory: The LearnFest Inventory
    • Project: The one you just created
    • Execution Environment: `Automation Hub Minimal execution environment’
    • Playbook: deploy-container.yml
    • Add the right Credentials
      • Machine credentials: LearnFest Credentials
    • Limit: node1
    • Check Privilege Escalation
  • Launch the Template

It should now run and deploy an httpd container on node1 that is hosting a small website. Test it from the terminal in VS Code Server:

# you can find the FQDN of the instance in your automation controller inventory in the **Hosts**, search for the public_dns_name.
$ curl <node 1 FQDN>
Welcome to Ansible LearnFest!

So recap what happened:

  • You created a Job Template that runs a Playbook that has a requirement on a certain Collection which is not part of the Execution Environments included in automation controller.
  • Your Organization (default) is configured in a way it can only download Collections from your private automation hub
  • The Collection did exist on your PAH and was downloaded and installed during project sync
  • The Playbook was able to use the collection which was automatically installed by automation controller during project sync

Since this collection is not part of the Execution Environment the Playbook uses, how did it work? In this case is it was dynamically “added” to the Execution Environment at runtime. This behavior did already exist in Ansible Tower 3.8, and it still does work in automation controller. This means, you only have to build your own execution environment if your collection has additional Python or package dependencies. You can double check by looking at the details of the “source control update” job of your project and click on the “fetch galaxy collections from collections/requirements” task.


Be able to manually configure private automation hub to synchronize content from Red Hat’s automation hub and Ansible Galaxy.

You should also better understand that, although it is beneficial to create custom execution environments, it’s not always necessary and automation controller can still load and install collections during runtime.
